Save the Michaels of the World, Inc.



Save the Michaels raises the awareness of prescription and other drug addictions. Abuse and misuses of these controlled substances leads to serious illness, depression, deaths from overdose and suicide, and the devastation of caregivers and loved ones.

Save the Michaels’  House of Hope and Community Resources supports families during their loved one’s journey through addiction and into remission. We provide a nurturing and supportive environment to parents, grandparents and spouses of addiction individuals. We practice compassion and promote education, self-help, and wrap-around care before, during, and after treatment.


MichaelSave the Michaels of the World, Inc was established in June of 2011 as a small kitchen roundtable action group, to bring attention and awareness of the devastating effects of opioid medications after the death by suicide of 20 years old Michael David Israel.

Avi and Julie Israel decided they didn’t want to see other families suffer the loss of a loved one. The journey started with an interview with a Buffalo News reporter who told Michael’s story. That story got more attention from TV stations. doctors, patients, parents, and the population as a whole are not aware of the danger of opiate addiction. We wanted to find a way to address the over-prescribing of pain medications such as hydrocodone and others.

Since then Save the Michaels of the World has taken on a life of its own. A grassroots effort was started to change the laws in New York State. Families who have lost their own beloved children and family members to prescribed addiction were brought together to share their stories and photos, as well as s dedicated group of devoted friends. We have established a Facebook page and told the stories. People took an interest and they shared their stories and experiences of the deaths of loved ones and of those who are going through recovery. More and more people joined our cause and today we have over 2,100 members.

We have since established ourselves as a 501(c3) not for profit organization in hopes of raising funds to help us continue to reach out to schools of all levels of education, professional organizations, and others. We are steadfast in this journey and will continue to increase awareness and education regarding the dangers of prescription drug addiction which can lead to accidental overdose and suicide.


House of Hope

Recovery Coaches

Support Groups




Phone: (716) 984-8375